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Other Ways to Promote your Business

By: Rachel Newcombe - Updated: 22 Jun 2012 | comments*Discuss
Promotion Business Gardening Shows

Promotion is vital for gaining new customers and increased business, and coming up with new and innovative ideas for doing so could have a positive impact on your business.

Gardening Shows

Numerous gardening shows take place each year, both locally and internationally. Having a stand at a show, getting involved with sponsorship opportunities or offering to run classes, talks or demonstrations at gardening shows is a good way of boosting your business profile.

It’s a good idea to find out details well in advance of shows, even as one show is ending you could approach the organisers for details about the next one, and get in early on the planning. A lot of shows feature talks and demos these days, so if you enjoy teaching or demonstrating gardening techniques, this could be the ideal form of promotion for you.


Almost all areas of the UK hold markets and, although they may not initially seem like a good place to promote your business, if you’re based locally it can be useful for building up a local profile. If you run a garden centre, you could take along some plants to sell and provide customers with leaflets and details of your business for marketing. As well as general markets, other good ones to get involved with are craft or leisure markets, as gardening is a popular leisure hobby.

Sandwich Boards

The good old sandwich board is still a useful form of marketing and promotion for local businesses. Students or anyone looking for temporary work are ideal to hire for this form of promotion, which basically involves ‘wearing’ a board advertising details of your gardening business. It’s particularly valuable for any special offers or discounts you’re running, as it may encourage people to visit your shop.

Vehicle Promotion

Your gardening business can be promoted via your own, or your business, vehicles for on the move marketing. Simple sign writing from professional companies can be used to adorn your vehicle with details of your company, such as your location, what you do or your website address. As people drive around, whether for business or pleasure, you ad will be spotted by pedestrians and other drivers – and hopefully taken notice of.

Becoming a Garden Expert

If you enjoy nothing more than talking about gardening or horticulture and don’t mind being interviewed at short notice, then a great way of promoting your garden business is to become a self-style garden expert. Members of the media are always on the lookout for willing experts to speak to about various topics, including gardening-related issues. You need to reliable, happy to talk to anyone, share opinions and be easy to contact.

There are various expert directories you can get yourself listed in (a quick search of the Internet should reveal relevant directories) and you can provide details of the areas you’re happy talking about and all your contact details.

Educational Work

Another method that you could consider for promotion is to get involved in educational work, or talking to children and young people about gardening. Schools are often on the lookout for companies to go into schools and do talks for pupils and it’s always good to encourage children to be interested in gardening. Some experience of dealing with children and young people would be advantageous, but if you’d like to have a go, contact schools in your area and discuss ideas with the head.

Alternatively, if they’re not interested in talks, you could always offer to get involved in any community gardening projects they’re running or help the school establish its own garden.

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