Business Essentials...
Below are our articles on the subject of Business Essentials. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Attracting Customers to Your Business
Discover ideas for attracting customers to your gardening business....

Business Cards and Promotional Flyers
Discover the importance of producing business cards and promotional flyers to promote your new gardening business....

Creating a Logo and Letterhead
Discover the importance of creating a logo and letterhead for your gardening business....

Creating a Website and Establishing Your Internet Presence
Find out the facts about creating a website and establishing your Internet presence....

Developing a Contingency Plan
Get the facts about developing a contingency plan for your gardening business....

Essential Gardening Business Equipment
This article looks at the importance of getting yourself set up with essential gardening business equipment....

Insurance for your Business
Get the lowdown on finding the right insurance cover for your gardening business....

What to Do When a Customer Won't Pay
Advice and information for gardening businesses on what to do if a customer won’t pay....